The Mind Transmission Lineage
初祖為蓮華生大士, 始自阿達爾媽佛 ----- 以【諸作密意傳】教授
The Mind Transmission Lineage
【諸作密意傳】-- 甚深淨相傳承─已得道者面見本尊,由本尊親授的教授。
諸作密意傳:法身佛之法教,源自阿達爾媽如來 (Samantabhadra)。
The Mind Transmission Lineage 傳承
The Mind Transmission of the Enlightened Beings. The wisdom appearance of the primordial buddha Samantabhadra manifests in the Sambhogakaya as Vajradhara持明. In the Nirmanakaya, the kaya of compassionate appearance for others, Samantabhadra manifests as the five Dhyani Buddhas (五方五金剛). The five dhyani buddhas show the highest Vajrayana (金剛) teachings to the bodhisattvas on the tenth Bhumi. These Vajrayana teachings are called the Yanas of the Skillful Means of Mastery, which form the yanas of Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga.
------ In the heavenly realm of Akanishtha (無想天), Samantabhadra (阿達爾媽如來) manifests in a simulated sambhogakaya form and teaches both the Sutrayana and the lower tantra teachings. The
Sutrayana is composed of the Shravakayana, Pratyekabuddhayana, and Bodhisattvayana, which are called the Yanas That Lead to Renunciation. The lower tantras, composed of Kriya, Upa, and Yoga, are called the Yanas of Vedic Austerities.
The Atiyoga, or Dzogchen (大圓滿法-- 已失傳千多年!) teachings, were collected by Vajrasattva金剛薩埵; the Anuyoga teachings were collected by Rigdzin Kunjara; and the Mahayoga teachings were collected by Dharmevajra. These teachings were entrusted to the three great bodhisattvas who are the Lords of the Three Families—Manjushri (文殊菩薩), Avalokiteshvara (千手千眼觀音), and Vajrapani(金剛手菩薩), and to the dakini Lekyi Wangmo. Through these teachings, the teachers and their followers had the same level of realization. Although there was no showing of the dharma and no dharma to be shown, the teachings appeared spontaneously through the radiance of wisdom. This is why it is called the Mind Transmission of the Enlightened Beings. <<The Mind Transmission Lineage >>.
the sambhogakaya is the body of perfect enjoyment or perfect endowment, by which the Buddha exists as a transcendent, eternal, celestial being; a primordial archetypal deity or Tathagata buddha.
The Symbolic Transmission Lineage (大手印)
The Symbolic Transmission Lineage (大手印)
For the second lineage, the Symbolic Transmission of the Vidyadharas, the Atiyoga teachings were transmitted to the divine child Semlhagchen, then to Garap Dorje 噶拉多傑, Manjushrimitra (文殊友),, Shri Singha (詩列星哈), Vimalamitra (無垢友), and so on. The Anuyoga and Mahayoga teachings came from the Lords of the Three Families, who merely showed signs to the Five Excellent Beings, who immediately understood them.
The Hearing Transmission Lineage口耳傳
For the third lineage, the Hearing Transmission of the Individuals, which is passed from mouth to ear, the texts of the eighteen tantras dropped onto the roof of King Ja’s palace through the blessings of Vajrapani. Similarly, the Anuyoga volumes dropped down into the forest of Singhala, or Sri Lanka. King Ja encountered Vajrapani face-to-face, and received teachings and empowerments from him. From there, the teachings gradually passed to Kukuraja, Indrabodhi, Simharaja, and other human vidyadharas. This is how the lineage of the Hearing Transmission arose.
This is an outline of how the three extremely profound lineages of Atiyoga and Anuyoga arose. These lineages were kept secret in India and only transmitted to certain individuals. The kings and masters together made a commitment that these teachings would not be openly transmitted. It is said that all these texts were buried in Bodhgaya and other places.
The Atiyoga, or Dzogchen (大圓滿法) teachings: 蓮華生大士是大圓滿 Og-Min Heaven -- 天上傳承第一位祖師,也是大圓滿人間傳承第四位祖師。 然而, 第一位人間傳承祖師格乃佈道爾極金剛 (嘎巴多傑, 極喜金剛) 。 吉祥獅子大師 (Shri Sangha) 是大圓滿法人間傳承第三位祖師,十五歲從漢地到印度求學佛法,遍學顯密教法後,依止妙吉祥友(大圓滿法人間傳承第二位祖師)學大圓滿持明指示傳承二十五年,後隱居於吉祥旃檀林神變寶塔,最後 返回中國五臺山。他教導出智經(JanaSutar)、無垢友(Vimalamitra)、蓮華生(Padmasambhava)、遍照(Vairochana)等大圓滿祖師。吉祥獅子涅盤時,正值智經在其脅侍,大師的肉身融入圓相虹光。
According to tradition, Guru Rinpoche (* 蓮華生大士) flew to the Og-Min Heaven and met the Adi Buddha (阿達爾媽佛), from whom he received the main doctrine of the Nyingmapa School, the Great Perfection大圓滿法 or Dzogpa Chenpo. He was received by a dakini who gave him a Body Initiation, proving that his body was the result of three holy incarnations: Buddha Gautama (Shakyamuni), Buddha Amitabha, and the great Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara 千手千眼觀音。
蓮花生大士為了更深入理解佛法,決定起程到本初佛阿達爾媽佛的淨土 [Og-Min 天] 參學。阿達爾媽佛是一切佛法的源流。蓮花生大士在 Og-Min 天精通大瑜伽密續的心要 (大圓滿法),進入三三摩地中,最後體證一切聲音為咒語。阿達爾媽佛教導蓮花生大士如何與五定佛融合為一無二無別,並授記他為上師鄔金金持,即來自鄔金的金剛持者,通常身現藍色,其右手持金剛杵,左手持鈴。 蓮花生這時證得十八如來之成就,獲得阿達爾媽佛之密名。現在大圓滿法法本已失!
【注 100】謝爾遜哈金剛 (師利辛哈, 吉祥獅子) 是文殊菩薩, (臺灣圓覺宗圓是以文殊菩薩為第二代祖師).
【注 100】謝爾遜哈金剛 (師利辛哈, 吉祥獅子) 是文殊菩薩, (臺灣圓覺宗圓是以文殊菩薩為第二代祖師).
*蓮華生大士是大圓滿 Og-Min Heaven – 天上傳承第一位祖師, 也是大圓滿人間傳承第四位祖師
Obtained the 4th initiation of Great Perfection from Sri Singha, the true Manjusri.
**Sri Singha 是大圓滿人間傳承第三位祖師吉祥獅子(師利星哈 , 謝爾遜哈金剛 (師利辛哈)
第一位人間傳承第一位祖師格乃佈道爾極金剛 (嘎巴多傑, 極喜金剛); 第二位祖師妙吉祥友。
蓮華生大士也從吉祥獅子(Sri Singha是大圓滿法人間傳承第三位祖師) 獲得第四次大圓滿法灌頂(大圓滿人間傳承第四位祖師), 吉祥獅子真的是文殊菩薩【注 D 。 吉祥獅子指著天並且說 “我成佛是僅僅依賴於這個天空,並無任何法和教學”. 自那時以後我的頭腦從不被擾亂“。 說完後,師利辛哈 (Sri Singha)飛到中國五臺山: 此處 (中國五臺山) 是釋迦牟尼佛預言為文殊菩薩的神聖地方.。
蓮華生大士也從藥師佛學,也從文殊菩薩學占星術 這些教學被保存在寧瑪派巴教學和原則中, 通過若干教師被傳下來
Dzogchen 大圓滿法 is the natural, primordial state or natural condition of the mind, and a body of teachings and meditation practices aimed at realizing that condition. Dzogchen, or "Great Perfection大圓滿法", is a central teaching of the Nyingma (寧瑪派) school also practiced by adherents of other Tibetan Buddhist sects.
According to Dzogchen大圓滿法literature,
Dzogchen is the highest and most definitive path to enlightenment.
【注 D】. **Sri Singha (吉祥獅子), the true Manjusri (文殊菩薩):---
【吉祥獅子 = 文殊菩薩】------- 那又, 文殊菩薩是臺灣圓覺宗傳承第二代祖師!!!
The instructions that point to the Dzogchen state are sometimes described as a set of “inner” or “heart” 【**心法】 (Wylie: snying thig) teachings. Tibetan Buddhist ascetics consider that the state pointed to by these teachings is very difficult to describe, and can only be discovered through the esoteric transmission (The Mind Transmission Lineage 【諸作密意傳】and pointing-out instruction by an authentic Vajra Master.
Although Dzogchen大圓滿法cannot be separated by the Buddhist or Bön (西藏黑教) tradition, very often teachers emphasize the non religious character of Dzogchen.
然而, 大圓滿法與西藏黑教傳統法難分開, 關係更加不可分割,宗教師經常強調大圓滿非宗教的特色.
However, the Buddhist traditional framework is never negated as our primordial nature, Dzogchen大圓滿法has existed since the beginning of time and is pointed to by various masters throughout the Universe.