1. Bryan師兄 was once diagnosed to have heart problem and doctor had confirmed his impending operation. When華藏師父 was in Kuala Lumpur, he took an opportunity to tell華藏師父 of his heart medical problem.
華藏師父 asked him to knell down in front and placed his hand on Bryan師兄’s head. 華藏師父 then started chanting and it lasted for about 45~50 minutes. 華藏師父 then told Bryan師兄, you are ok now.
Bryan師兄 went back to his doctor in a couple of days to have final testing and preparation for surgical heart operation. Doctor was surprise that his “Hole in the Heart” had totally disappeared and his heart is working perfectly!
2. Some 師兄 had obtained some Buddha images/thangka and wanted 華藏師父 to do blessing/initialization. How ?? 華藏師父 was so far away in Hong Kong.!! Anyway, just asked
華藏師父 for help. 華藏師父 then instructed them to place the Buddha images/thangka on where and where and at what time. They checked the Buddha images/thangka the next day and found Om Ah Hum being written on the back of the thanka/image.
3 華藏師父 had passed two instructions, written in Mandarin on a piece of white paper, to 楊章泉師兄、彭文海師兄 separately, containing two different important instructions But, 彭文海師兄 did not realized the importance of it; and 楊章泉師兄 knew no Mandarin, too.
4 楊全枝 told me how 藥師佛 舍利子 were being found on 師兄 香炉中出现藥師佛的舍利子 appeared all of a sudden.
華藏師父給馬來西亞和臺灣師兄們頭對頭灌頂:--- (新竹,臺北, …..梁乃崇,…..等等),.
馬來西亞師兄們:--- 楊章泉、彭文海、楊全枝、葉清海、楊善燈、Bryan 等等 --- 頭對頭灌頂
6 楊章泉師兄 always told me that 華藏師父 emphasized that “不要執,不要癡”
我們有兩位師兄 (L和J) 之前是基督教的,其中之一位有天眼通(師兄L).每當華藏師父要講經之前, 師兄J叫師兄L看,是誰進來到這裏講經?
來了!!來了!! 快看是誰進來到這裏講經!!!
如果今天是講阿彌陀經, 師兄L看到進來的是阿彌陀佛.
如果今天是講金剛般若波羅蜜心經, 師兄L看到進來的是《觀世音菩薩》,
如果今天是講《藥師經》, 師兄L看到進來的是《藥師佛》,
我所謂 [華藏恩師圓寂前實已成佛] 者也 ---於民國六十二年 .
8. 當師兄B表妹在 Singapore Novena 天主教堂裏面行婚禮儀式時.師兄B邀請華藏恩師來為他們祝福. 師兄B 叫師兄A看華藏恩師有沒有進來到這(Singapore Novena天主教堂裏面) 給這雙新人祝福? 師兄A說有 --- 華藏恩師到來給這雙新人祝福!!